Fire & Ice is by far one of the best animated features in the sword and sorcery world. It's the kinda movie you can watch countless times and it's still just as good after the first time seeing it.
It has the perfect mix of creatures and primitive cultures to make it as fantastic and otherworldly as possible,while lacking the infamous "cornball moments" most noticeable within the genre.
Initially Fire & Ice was a collaboration between Roy Thomas ( who wrote the better part of the Conan series for Marvel comics) Frank Frazetta and of course Ralph Bakshi. The film used live actors who we're animated through rotoscoping,which became popular long before digital animation was made widely available. Though rotoscoping was heavily used in Bakshi's other films,never before had it been utilized with such spectacular detail as with Fire & Ice.
I fell in love with this movie several years back and hadn't seen it up till that point;in fact,it was the first purchase I ever made on-line,since the DVD was rare and the copy I bought was very limited. So it wasn't by any means something I grew up watching,but it almost felt as if I had, oddly enough. It's since became one of those movies which I can easily say has became a favorite film of mine within recent years.
Somebody's about two seconds away from having their ass handed to them.
As the years roll onward,I believe that Fire & Ice will survive the test of time. It has everything that makes a film of this sort a great thing indeed. The barbarians,monsters,foul necromancers and the beautiful yet savage lady;are all perfectly laced together within a semi-prehistoric world of sorcery and certain doom at every turn.
I had heard recently that Robert Rodriguez has acquired the rights to re-make Fire & Ice into a live action movie (See here ). And while I do like most of Rodriguez's work,I really,really,really don't want to see this one re-made. The original is as perfect as it's ever going to get in my opinion and doesn't need an updated make-over. While I agree that the original has shown it's age,that's partly what gives the film it's polished luster. I'll be the first to admit,I don't like the direction that modern fantasy and S&S are presented. I feel that today's creators from both genre's have become jaded in favor of a more cartoonish world of Warcraft style in the material being produced or if not that,then an overly complex sense of realism. Monsters and magic are not real,that's the reason we refer to it as fantasy and not reality.
I really can't go on enough about Fire &Ice,all I can say is that if you've never seen it,do yourself a favor and do so,you won't be easily disappointed. And if you can get ahold of the two-disk set,all the better. The second disk,contains a documentary that interviews all of those who made this film great,and there's even appearances by Glenn Danzig and Gerald Brom. A nice addition to any collection,it's a definite must see by all.
Well I guess that's it for today,next time I'll be discussing the art of Frank Frazetta himself,so if you like what you see,plz subscribe and repost if possible,thx for reading my friends.
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