"Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And onto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!"

I'm not a huge fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger on a personal level,but I can easily say that Conan the Barbarian is perhaps one of my all-time favorite movies. I remember first seeing it shortly after it's debut on VHS all those years ago and have easily watched it over 300 times since that day. Though I didn't know who Conan was back then,I became an instant fan from the first moment I saw it. The thunderous orchestral soundtrack,was enough to captivate and hold my attention even still,to this day.
Since it was first released,there we're plenty of lame knockoffs which easily paled by comparison. Anyone who's ever seen the Ator series or The Barbarians,know exactly what I'm referring to here. But even still,nothing came close to the original Conan the Barbarian.

By Crom,I believe I've ruined a perfectly good orgy!
It had the perfect blend of everything you would expect from a movie of this kind. It was the perfect mixture of blood-laced gore and gratuitous breast shots...Not to mention the scene where a giant snake gets decapitated!

Or this part for that matter.

I think he's gonna need a band-aid for that.
I guess you might say that Conan the barbarian was the reason I began my love for S&S all those years ago,even more so in my later years,as if you couldn't tell :)

Not bad,needs a dash of paprika,but over-all,not bad.
The film was soon followed by Conan the Destroyer,which was more closely related to high fantasy over a sword and sorcery type of film. Many fans we're let down by the sequel,as it seemed so much less like the original movie and lacked the copious amounts of blood and bare breasts that made it's successor a household name.
The sequel seemed as if it had been watered down for a more family friendly audience so-to-speak. Though it may not be fair to compare either of these two films as being anything canonized,seeing as how the original movie wasn't exactly true to Robert E. Howard's work anymore than Conan the Destroyer. If anything,it borrowed the greatest amount of material from the L.Sprague deCamp novels of the 1950's.

To tell you the truth,I kinda liked Conan the Destroyer. While it doesn't have the same feel as the first film,it does have it's moments,like the scene in which Conan rips the horn from Dagoth's head,or when he rescues his friend Akiro the wizard from a tribe of magic-hungry cannibals. It's an enjoyable film,but only if taken with a grain of salt.

Jazz hands!
Alas,the third and final Conan film was never made,it was hinted on. Instead what we received was the movie adaption of Red Sonja. A creation by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith back in the early part of the 70's. While Arnold Schwarzenegger did appear in Red Sonja,he did not play the part of Conan as intended in the original script. Instead,he played a character known only as Prince Kalidor. Sandahl Bergman also appeared in Red Sonja,this time as the lead villain,Queen Gedren.

A sad fact indeed,but the planned sequel Conan the King would never see the light of day. A film that could've either been pure awesomeness or a steaming turd,whatever the case,we will never know....

A new Conan film was recently released starring Jason Momoa,but in all honesty,I've never seen it nor have I had any desire to. I've heard by word of mouth that the movie is so terrible that it positively begs the viewer to ask the theater for their money back,which is expected. Most movies these days are pure garbage anyhow,I wouldn't have thought a Conan re-boot would be much different. Maybe I'm not being fair,but when 100 or so people tell me something's bad,I have a tendency to listen. Oh well,there's always the original to fall back on.
Next time I'll be discussing the sword and sorcery board game Hero~Quest,which should be a little different..........

Take care my friends,until next blog,drinks are on me!
I'm not a huge fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger on a personal level,but I can easily say that Conan the Barbarian is perhaps one of my all-time favorite movies. I remember first seeing it shortly after it's debut on VHS all those years ago and have easily watched it over 300 times since that day. Though I didn't know who Conan was back then,I became an instant fan from the first moment I saw it. The thunderous orchestral soundtrack,was enough to captivate and hold my attention even still,to this day.
Since it was first released,there we're plenty of lame knockoffs which easily paled by comparison. Anyone who's ever seen the Ator series or The Barbarians,know exactly what I'm referring to here. But even still,nothing came close to the original Conan the Barbarian.
By Crom,I believe I've ruined a perfectly good orgy!
It had the perfect blend of everything you would expect from a movie of this kind. It was the perfect mixture of blood-laced gore and gratuitous breast shots...Not to mention the scene where a giant snake gets decapitated!
Or this part for that matter.
I think he's gonna need a band-aid for that.
I guess you might say that Conan the barbarian was the reason I began my love for S&S all those years ago,even more so in my later years,as if you couldn't tell :)
Not bad,needs a dash of paprika,but over-all,not bad.
The film was soon followed by Conan the Destroyer,which was more closely related to high fantasy over a sword and sorcery type of film. Many fans we're let down by the sequel,as it seemed so much less like the original movie and lacked the copious amounts of blood and bare breasts that made it's successor a household name.
The sequel seemed as if it had been watered down for a more family friendly audience so-to-speak. Though it may not be fair to compare either of these two films as being anything canonized,seeing as how the original movie wasn't exactly true to Robert E. Howard's work anymore than Conan the Destroyer. If anything,it borrowed the greatest amount of material from the L.Sprague deCamp novels of the 1950's.
To tell you the truth,I kinda liked Conan the Destroyer. While it doesn't have the same feel as the first film,it does have it's moments,like the scene in which Conan rips the horn from Dagoth's head,or when he rescues his friend Akiro the wizard from a tribe of magic-hungry cannibals. It's an enjoyable film,but only if taken with a grain of salt.
Jazz hands!
Alas,the third and final Conan film was never made,it was hinted on. Instead what we received was the movie adaption of Red Sonja. A creation by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith back in the early part of the 70's. While Arnold Schwarzenegger did appear in Red Sonja,he did not play the part of Conan as intended in the original script. Instead,he played a character known only as Prince Kalidor. Sandahl Bergman also appeared in Red Sonja,this time as the lead villain,Queen Gedren.
A sad fact indeed,but the planned sequel Conan the King would never see the light of day. A film that could've either been pure awesomeness or a steaming turd,whatever the case,we will never know....
A new Conan film was recently released starring Jason Momoa,but in all honesty,I've never seen it nor have I had any desire to. I've heard by word of mouth that the movie is so terrible that it positively begs the viewer to ask the theater for their money back,which is expected. Most movies these days are pure garbage anyhow,I wouldn't have thought a Conan re-boot would be much different. Maybe I'm not being fair,but when 100 or so people tell me something's bad,I have a tendency to listen. Oh well,there's always the original to fall back on.
Next time I'll be discussing the sword and sorcery board game Hero~Quest,which should be a little different..........
Take care my friends,until next blog,drinks are on me!
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